The price is right?

There are always discussions going on about this topic. Every single release has its own thread on how expensive the game is, how it should be sold at a lower price to attract a wider audience, how a good discount would sell more copies, all the way to very strong opinions about how our business should be run.
It is definitely something that players are very sensitive about and of course not only in games. You can buy Vietnam '65 for the price of two beers in a decent pub and Order of Battle: Pacific for less then a dinner for two. Still, there is someone saying prices are too expensive, or various other arguments and they all sound prefectly reasonable and valid.
What is also interesting is the perception of prices out there. Matrix Games and Slitherine are perceived as companies that never discount games, despite a total of over 500 temporary price reductions per year, including a 7 weeks long Holiday Sale at Christmas time, an Easter sale including all releases and a massive number of other rebates.
Is this reputation a good or a bad thing? And what is the best course of action to handle price life cycles in this market segment? At HoW15, we are going to discuss this particular topic, so don't forget to share your views and participate in the debate.